Vietnam Fungicide Import Research Report 2024-2033


CRI analyzes Vietnam Fungicide import data and facts from 2021 to 2024, major import sources, top import & export companies, top suppliers on Vietnam Fungicide market,and finally forecast the Fungicide import trends.

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Vietnam Fungicide Import

Fungicides are pesticides used to kill parasitic fungi, oomycetes, or their spores, helping to prevent and treat various plant and animal diseases caused by fungi, oomycetes, or similar pathogens. These chemicals play a crucial role in protecting farmland and crops and are suitable for alTypes of crops and soils. Fungi can severely damage agriculture, leading to significant losses in yield, quality, and profit. Therefore, fungicides are indispensable in modern agriculture.

Vietnam is a major agricultural country in the world, where agriculture plays a significant role in the national economy and is one of its key supporting industries. In 2023, agriculture contributed 12% to Vietnam’s real GDP growth, with the trade surplus of agricultural products accounting for 42.5% of the totaTrade surplus. Over 50% of Vietnam’s population is in rural, with arable and forest land covering 60% of the total land area. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam projects that in 2024, the total export value of agricultural products will reach USD 55 billion, with a 2.5% growth rate in the output value of planation, indicating a trend of positive capacity expansion. The continuous development of Vietnam’s agriculture and plantation industries has led to an increasing consumption of fungicides.

Pesticides are vital for the modernization of agriculture, effectively controlling pests and diseases, increasing yield, and ensuring the quality of agricultural products. Vietnam has a strong demand for pesticide products. According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, in 2021, Vietnam used 50,096 tons of active ingredients in pesticides. In 2023, Vietnam’s total pesticide imports amounted to USD 840 million. From January to May 2024, Vietnam imported pesticides worth approximately USD 400 million based on the data of CRI. Over the past five years, the pesticide market in Vietnam has shown an overall upward trend, with an annual pesticide usage exceeding 100,000 tons. Pesticides are mainly classified into five categories: rodenticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and disinfectants. Among them, fungicides are the most imported type of pesticide in Vietnam. In 2023, Vietnam’s fungicide imports exceeded USD 300 million, accounting for 37% of the total pesticide import value. According to CRI, from January to May 2024, Vietnam imported fungicides worth approximately USD 140 million, indicating continuous market demand growth.

Based on CRI, from 2021 to 2024, the main sources of fungicide imports for Vietnam included China, Germany, and Singapore. Major companies exporting fungicides to Vietnam include Syngenta, Bayer, and Eastchem.

The primary importers of fungicides in Vietnam include local pesticide distributors and logistics companies, as well as foreign-invested enterprises. Many of these are subsidiaries of international pesticide companies in Vietnam, such as Bayer, UPL, and ADC.

Overall, with the population growth and ongoing agricultural development in Vietnam, the demand for fungicides will continue to rise. CRI predicts that in the coming years, the import of fungicides in Vietnam will maintain a growth trend, playing a significant role in the stability and growth of agricultural production in the country.


Topics covered:

  • The Import and Export of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)
  • Total Import Volume of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)
  • Total Import Value and Growth Rate of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)
  • Total Import Value and Growth Rate of Fungicide in Vietnam (January-May 2024)
  • Average Import Price of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)
  • Top 10 Sources of Fungicide Imports in Vietnam and Their Supply Volume
  • Top 10 Suppliers in the Import Market of Fungicide in Vietnam and Their Supply Volume
  • Top 10 Importers of Fungicide in Vietnam and Their Import Volume
  • How to Find Distributors and End Users of Fungicide in Vietnam
  • How Foreign Enterprises Enter the Pesticide Market of Vietnam
  • Forecast for the Import of Fungicide in Vietnam (2024-2033)


Table of Contents

1 Overview of Vietnam

1.1 Geography of Vietnam

1.2 Economic Condition of Vietnam

1.3 Demographics of Vietnam

1.4 Domestic Market of Vietnam

1.5 Recommendations for Foreign Enterprises Entering the Vietnam Pesticide Market


2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports in Vietnam (2021-2024)

2.1 Import Scale of Fungicide in Vietnam

2.1.1 Import Value and Volume of Fungicide in Vietnam

2.1.2 Import Prices of Fungicide in Vietnam

2.1.3 Apparent Consumption of Fungicide in Vietnam

2.1.4 Import Dependency of Fungicide in Vietnam

2.2 Major Sources of Fungicide Imports in Vietnam


3 Analysis of Major Sources of Fungicide Imports in Vietnam (2021-2024)

3.1 China

3.1.1 Analysis of Import Value and Volume

3.1.2 Analysis of Average Import Price

3.2 German

3.2.1 Analysis of Import Value and Volume

3.2.2 Analysis of Average Import Price

3.3 Singapore

3.3.1 Analysis of Import Value and Volume

3.3.2 Analysis of Average Import Price

3.4 Thailand

3.5 India

3.6 South Korea


4 Analysis of Major Suppliers in the Import Market of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)

4.1 Syngenta

4.1.1 Company Profile

4.1.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.2 Bayer

4.2.1 Company Profile

4.2.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.3 Eastchem

4.3.1 Company Profile

4.3.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.4 Exporter 4

4.4.1 Company Profile

4.4.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.5 Exporter 5

4.5.1 Company Profile

4.5.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.6 Exporter 6

4.6.1 Company Profile

4.6.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.7 Exporter 7

4.7.1 Company Profile

4.7.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.8 Exporter 8

4.8.1 Company Profile

4.8.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.9 Exporter 9

4.9.1 Company Profile

4.9.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam

4.10 Exporter 10

4.10.1 Company Profile

4.10.2 Analysis of Fungicide Exports to Vietnam


5 Analysis of Major Importers in the Import Market of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)

5.1 Bayer Vietnam

5.1.1 Company Profile

5.1.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.2 UPL

5.2.1 Company Profile

5.2.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.3 ADC

5.3.1 Company Profile

5.3.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.4 Importer 4

5.4.1 Company Profile

5.4.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.5 Importer 5

5.5.1 Company Profile

5.5.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.6 Importer 6

5.6.1 Company Profile

5.6.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.7 Importer 7

5.7.1 Company Profile

5.7.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.8 Importer 8

5.8.1 Company Profile

5.8.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.9 Importer 9

5.9.1 Company Profile

5.9.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports

5.10 Importer 10

5.10.1 Company Profile

5.10.2 Analysis of Fungicide Imports


6. Monthly Analysis of Fungicide Imports in Vietnam from 2021 to 2024

6.1 Analysis of Monthly Import Value and Volume

6.2 Forecast of Monthly Average Import Prices


7. Key Factors Affecting Fungicide Imports in Vietnam

7.1 Policy

7.1.1 Current Import Policies

7.1.2 Trend Predictions for Import Policies

7.2 Economic

7.2.1 Market Prices

7.2.2 Growth Trends of Fungicide Production Capacity in Vietnam

7.3 Technology


8. Forecast for the Import of Fungicide in Vietnam, 2024-2033



List of Charts

Chart 2021-2024 Import Value and Volume of Fungicide in Vietnam

Chart 2021-2024 Average Import Price of Fungicide in Vietnam

Chart 2021-2024 Import Dependency of Fungicide in Vietnam

Chart Top 10 Import Sources of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Top 10 Import Sources of Fungicide in Vietnam (2022)

Chart Top 10 Import Sources of Fungicide in Vietnam (2023)

Chart Top 10 Import Sources of Fungicide in Vietnam (2024)

Chart Top 10 Suppliers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Top 10 Suppliers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2022)

Chart Top 10 Suppliers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2023)

Chart Top 10 Suppliers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2024)

Chart Quantity of Fungicide Imported from China to Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Quantity of Fungicide Imported from German to Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Quantity of Fungicide Imported from Singapore to Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Quantity of Fungicide Imported from South Korea to Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Top 10 Importers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2021-2024)

Chart Top 10 Importers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2022)

Chart Top 10 Importers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2023)

Chart Top 10 Importers of Fungicide in Vietnam (2024)

Chart Forecast for the Import of Fungicide in Vietnam (2024-2033)