Research Report on China Supermarket Private Brand Commodities, 2017-2021


This report analyzes the development status and characteristics of private brand commodities together with some suppliers of major supermarkets in China.



Report Summary

The business revenue after tax of entity supermarkets was CNY 2.9 trillion with an increase of 4.1% YOY in 2015, of which the hypermarkets, common supermarkets and convenience stores were respectively CNY 0.7 trillion with an increase of 5.2 % YOY, CNY 2.1 trillion with an increase of 3.5% YOY and CNY 0.06 trillion with an increase of 7.6% YOY. Meanwhile, it is expected to reach CNY 3.3 trillion with a compound growth rate of 2.4% by the end of 2020, of which the hypermarkets, common supermarkets and convenience stores are respectively CNY 0.8 trillion with an increase of 3.1 % , CNY 2.3 trillion with an increase of 2.0% and CNY 0.08 trillion with an increase of 5.4%.

The transaction amount of supermarket commodity e-commerce was CNY 212.5 billion with an increase of 41.0% YOY and a penetration rate of 6% in 2015. Meanwhile, it is expected to reach CNY 515.8 billion with a compound growth rate of 19.4% and a penetration rate of 13.6% in 2020. The business of foreign-owned TESCO was sold to China Resources in 2014.

Meanwhile, market shares of Carrefour (China) declined for five consecutive years and 18 stores were closed in 2015, which shows its possible retreat as well as dependency on global market for profits in China. Foreign-owned markets without breakthrough in local fields will be phased out in China, leading to higher shares of domestic enterprises.

This report analyzes the development status and characteristics of private brand commodities together with some suppliers of major supermarkets in China. It provides valuable reference to operators and suppliers concerning the market status, development trend and investment opportunities of supermarket private brand commodities in China.


Through this report, readers can acquire the following information:

-Development Environment of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China

-Definition and Classification of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities

-Research Methods of the Report

-Analysis on Supply and Demand of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China

-Analysis on Competition Status of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China

-Development Opportunities and Driving Forces Faced by Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China

-Risks and Challenges in Development of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China

-Analysis on Costs and Price Trend of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China

-Forecast on Development of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China


Table of Contents

1 Market Overview of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China, 2011-2016

1.1 Relevant Concepts of Private Brands

1.1.1 Definition

1.1.2 Classification

1.1.3 Characteristics

1.2 Overview of Development Status of International Supermarket Private Brand Commodities

1.2.1 Global Overview

1.2.2 The U.S.A.

1.2.3 European Union

1.2.4 East Asia


2 Overview of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in China, 2011-2016

2.1 Overview of Supermarket Industry in China

2.1.1 Development History of Market

2.1.2 Market Scale

2.1.3 Analysis on Market Competition Situation

2.2 Market Overview of Supermarket Private Brands in China

2.2.1 Development History of Market

2.2.2 Analysis on Market Features

2.2.3 Analysis on Development Trend


3 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of National Chain Supermarkets, 2017-2021

3.1 Wal-Mart

3.1.1 Overview of Wal-Mart in China

3.1.2 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of Wal-Mart in Global Market

3.1.3 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of Wal-Mart in China

3.1.4 Analysis on Suppliers of Private Brand Commodities of Wal-Mart in China

3.1.5 Analysis on Development Strategies of Private Brand Commodities of Wal-Mart in China

3.2 Carrefour

3.2.1 Overview of Carrefour in China

3.2.2 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of Carrefour in Global Market

3.2.3 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of Carrefour in China

3.2.4 Analysis on Suppliers of Private Brand Commodities of Carrefour in China

3.2.5 Analysis on Development Strategies of Private Brand Commodities of Carrefour in China

3.3 Metro

3.4 Lotus Market

3.4.1 Enterprise Profile

3.4.2 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of Lotus Market

3.4.3 Analysis on Suppliers of Private Brand Commodities of Lotus Market

3.4.4 Analysis on Development Strategies of Private Brand Commodities of Lotus Market

3.5 Auchan

3.6 Rt-Mart

3.7 Wumart

3.8 CenturyMart


4 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of Regional Supermarkets in China, 2011-2016

4.1 Shanghai JiaDeLi

4.1.1 Enterprise Profile

4.1.2 Analysis on Private Brand Commodities of JiaDeLi

4.1.3 Analysis on Suppliers of Private Brand Commodities of JiaDeLi

4.1.4 Analysis on Development Strategies of Private Brand Commodities of JiaDeLi

4.2 Shanghai NGS

4.3 Beijing JingKeLong

4.4 SuGuo Supermarket

4.5 Henan ZuoYouJian

4.6 Wuhan Zhongbai


5 Analysis on Development of Supermarket Private Brands in China, 2017-2021

5.1 Analysis on Investment Opportunities

5.1.1 Opportunities of Supermarket Operators

5.1.2 Opportunities of Suppliers

5.2 Investment Suggestions

5.3.1 Risk Aversion

5.3.2 Development Proposals


Selected Charts

Chart Total Social Retail Value in China, 2012-2016

Chart Operation Status of Major Global Supermarket Private Brand Commodities, 2015

Chart Proportion Trend of Sales Value of Supermarket Private Brand Commodities in Total Supermarket Retail Value in China

Chart Sales Revenue of Wal-Mart in China, 2012-2016

Chart Major Supermarket Private Brand Commodities of Wal-Mart in China, 2012-2016

Chart Partial Supplier Status of Private Brand Commodities of Wal-Mart in China

Chart Sales Revenue of Carrefour in China, 2012-2016

Chart Major Supermarket Private Brand Commodities of Carrefour in China, 2012-2016

Chart Major Supermarket Private Brand Commodities of Shanghai JiaDeLi, 2012-2016

Chart Partial Supplier Status of Private Brand Commodities of Shanghai JiaDeLi