Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry Overview in China, 2011-2020


According to CRI, the output volume of fruit & vegetable juice and beverage was 29.49 million tons in 2015, and the CAGR exceeded 10% during 2011 to 2015.




Fruit & vegetable juice is directly made from fresh or chilled fruit and vegetables (or dried fruits) after washing and picking through physical methods like squeezing, soaking and centrifuge without any additives. Fruit & vegetable beverage is made from fruit & vegetable juice through adding water, sugar and food additive with fruit juice content of over l00g/L.

Soft drink industry now becomes one of the fastest growing consumption industries in China after the property wave of carbonated beverages, bottled water and tea drinks. In 2015, the output volume of soft drink reached 176.61 million tons and the sales revenue exceeded CNY 600 billion in China. With the rising of resident income and the upgrade of consumption structure, the demand for healthy beverage keeps increasing in China. Fruit & vegetable juice and beverage are healthy drinks, which is becoming popular among consumers in China.

According to CRI, the output volume of fruit & vegetable juice and beverage was 29.49 million tons in 2015, and the CAGR exceeded 10% during 2011 to 2015. In terms of the overall consumption power of fruit & vegetable juice drinks per capita, the consumption value of that is still at the primary stage in China. It is estimated that the market share of fruit & vegetable juice drinks of medium and high concentrations will enjoy a continuous increase with the promotion of consumers’ healthy consumption concepts. Particularly, the fruit & vegetable juice industry of 100% concentrations will have long-term development space.

There are many competitors of strength in fruit & vegetable juice and beverage market in China, of which the product categories are numerous. Competitors all have leading ones in segment market but there is no strong brand. According to market research by CRI, the CR5 of sales revenue of fruit & vegetable juice and beverage was about 9.1% in China in 2015. Numerous small and medium enterprises have no brand advantages, but they  occupy certain shares in market segments (markets in small and medium cities) through product duplication and technology innovation of leading enterprises. These enterprises are expected to compete with famous brands for market shares through price competitions. In the fruit & vegetable juice industry in China, large-scale enterprises are confronted with difficulties of declining profit caused by price war while small and medium enterprises face significant pressure in aspects of funds and channels. It can be predicted that the competition among existing competitors will intensify in the long run.

As the resident revenue increases and urbanization proceeds, the consumption structure of fruit & vegetable juice and beverage industry is transforming, of which the requirements of consumers for health and quality are raised in China. The consumption volume of fruit & vegetable juice and beverage per capita in China is far less than that of the developed countries. Therefore, there is a large space for fruit & vegetable juice beverage market in China. Particularly, the fruit juice market of NFC will develop rapidly. According to CRI, the market size of fruit & vegetable juice and beverage in China will increase from CNY 160.1 billion in 2015 to CNY 308.6 billion in 2020. The CAGR will reach 14% during 2015 to 2020, which is far more than that of the comprehensive soft drink industry.


Through this report, the readers can acquire the following information:

-Definition and Classification of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

-Research Methods, Parameters and Assumptions of the Report

-Competition Status of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

-Top 5 Manufacturing Enterprises of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Market in China

-Development Opportunities and Driving Forces Faced by Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

-Risks and Challenges in the Development of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

-Analysis on Prices of Raw Materials in Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China

-Forecast on Development of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China


Table of Contents

1 Relevant Concepts of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

1.1 Definition and Classification of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

1.1.1 Definition of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

1.1.2 Classification of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

1.2 Parameters and Assumptions of the Report

1.2.1 Assumption Base

1.2.2 Data Sources

1.3 About CRI


2 Analysis on Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China, 2011-2015

2.1 Development Environment of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

2.1.1 Economic Environment

2.1.2 Policy Environment

2.1.3 Social Environment

2.2 Analysis of Supply

2.3 Analysis on Demand of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China

2.3.1 Major Consumer Group

2.3.2 Market Size


3 Competition Status of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2013-2015

3.1 Barriers to Entry in Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

3.1.1 Policy Barriers

3.1.2 Barriers of Sales Channels

3.1.3 Brand Barriers

3.1.4 Technical Barriers

3.2 Competition Structure of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Manufacturing Industry in China

3.2.1 Bargaining Ability of Raw Material Suppliers of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

3.2.2 Bargaining Ability of Consumers

3.2.3 Internal Competition of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry

3.2.4 Potential Entrants of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry

3.2.5 Substitutes of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage


4 Top 5 Manufacturing Enterprises of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage

4.1 China Huiyuan Juice Group Ltd.

4.1.1 Enterprise Profile of Huiyuan Group

4.1.2 Sales Revenue and Market Share of Huiyuan Group in China.

4.2 Uni-president (China) Co., Ltd.

4.2.1 Enterprise Profile of Uni-president

4.2.2 Sales Revenue and Market Share of Uni-president in China.

4.3 Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.

4.3.1 Enterprise Profile of Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.

4.3.2 Sales Revenue and Market Share of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Holding Corp.

4.4 Coca-Cola Company

4.4.1 Enterprise Profile of Coca-Cola Company

4.4.2 Sales Revenue and Market of Coca-Cola Company in China

4.5 Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co., Ltd.

4.5.1 Enterprise Profile of Wahaha Food Group

4.5.2 Sales Revenue and Market Share of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Wahaha Food Group


5 Analysis on Raw Material Costs and Retail Prices of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China, 2013-2015

5.1 Analysis on Production Costs of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2013-2015

5.2 Analysis on Prices of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2013-2015


6 Prediction on Development of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China, 2016-2020

6.1 Factors Influencing the Development of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

6.1.1 Major Driving Forces and Market Opportunities in Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

6.1.2 Risks and Challenges Faced by Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry

6.2 Prediction on Supply in Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Industry in China

6.2.1 Prediction on Output Volume of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2016-2020

6.2.2 Prediction on Product Structure

6.3 Forecast on Demand

Selected Charts

Chart China’s GDP and Its Growth Rate, 2011-2015

Chart Sales Value of Soft Drinks in China, 2011-2015

Chart Related Laws and Regulations of Chinese Government Concerning Beverage Industry

Chart Output Volume of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2011-2015

Chart Market Size of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2012-2015

Chart Major Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage Manufacturers and Their Market Shares in China, 2013-2015

Chart Sales Revenue of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Huiyuan Group, 2011-2015

Chart Market Share of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Huiyuan Group in China, 2011-2015

Chart Sales Revenue of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Uni-president, 2011-2015

Chart Market Share of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Uni-president, 2011-2015

Chart Market Share of Master Kong, 2011-2015

Chart Sales Revenue of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Coca-Cola, 2011-2015

Chart Sales Revenue of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage of Wahaha Food Group, 2011-2015

Chart Market Share of Wahaha Fruit Juice in China, 2013-2015

Chart Price Trend of Frozen Orange Juice of NYMEX, 2013-2015

Chart Price Trend of PET, 2013-2015

Chart Prediction on Output Volume of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2016-2020

Chart Prediction on Market Size of Fruit & Vegetable Juice and Beverage in China, 2016-2020